Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Love those "nudges" from God

I love "nudges" from God, and I love to see Him working in the lives of those around us. 

Just recently a dear lady, a complete stranger to us, acted on the nudges she had been receiving.  You see, awhile back I decided to see if anyone else who was adopting would be interested in fund-raising with me and my family.  It's a long story, but now there are three of us (with our families) who are working together to help offset the cost of some of the adoption expenses.  When one of us has completed our adoption, we have another family who is ready to step in to fund-raise for their adoption as well.  Our plan is to continually help one another with adoption fund-raising efforts, even after our adoptions are final.

Awhile back we were interviewed by a reporter from our local paper about how we had all met, why we were adopting and working together, as well as about our upcoming yard sale.  This dear lady saw the article in the paper, cut it out and saved it.  She kept feeling like she was supposed to get into contact with us and, thankfully, she listed to those nudges by the Holy Spirit and finally did! 

Our first introduction to one another, other than by email, came when she invited us to her house.  She served us a lovely Victorian tea luncheon while we discussed fund-raising ideas and got to know one another.

One of the ideas that God had placed on her heart was to have a tea luncheon where grandmothers could bring their granddaughters or mothers could bring their daughters and so on.  I thought it was a wonderful, fun idea that could not only serve to bless our efforts but that could also make some wonderful memories for those who come to the tea luncheon as well.  

We are now in the process of finding a good place (or places!) to hold the luncheon and after that we will work out the finer details.  We have thought about including a speaker and/or live music, door prizes, pictures and so on.

It is wonderful to have others to fund-raise with, and I thank God for those that I am working with now and that He put them into my life.


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