Friday, January 29, 2010

Advocating for a precious little girl from China

This adorable, precious little girl is on FTIA's (Families Thru International Adoption) designated list of children.  She has been waiting since March 2009 and her file will be returned in February.  I was told she may get placed on the shared list or another agency-specific list, but she may not either.  Many children are not made available for adoption.  Everything in her file says that she is a bright, happy, on track child.  In one photo, she is standing with a little lego stuck on her finger!  They say her favorite thing to play with is a toy telephone :)

Her name is Dang Hong and she has had an operation every year since she was born.  One in 2007, one in 2008, and one in 2009.  She was born with bladder exstrophy.  A doctor described it best as a hernia of the bladder.  Here in the states, such a condition would usually only require 2 or 3 surgeries - but hers was not done correctly and the doctors tried to fix the first surgery at least one time - but that repair did not work.  Basically, her bladder isn't in the right position so she will need a surgery to correct this and then another surgery when she is 5 or 6 years old with the goal of having her develop continence.  Our surgeons here are very successful with this type of surgery!

She looks like a happy, confident child.  Her little arms look like they were made for hugging!

If you would like, you can email me at and I can pass on the contact information at FTIA or you can contact them directly.  She is on their FTIA only list of children - group 2.  The rest of the children in group 2 will have their files returned as well so please take a look at them as well.  There are 14 of them!

We are praying that a family is found for this precious girl.  Please, pass this information on to any group or blog you are a part of.  Feel free to give out my name and email address as well.

Thank you everyone,


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