Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blessed by an amazing yard sale!

We weren't blessed just financially by the fundraising yard sale this past weekend, we were also blessed by the wonderful people we were able to talk to during the sale. Many stopped in just because we had advertised that the sale was for an adoption. We had others that donated money even though they didn't buy anything and still others who said to "keep the change - put it towards the adoption".

Our girls had made crosses out of popcycle sticks, painted them, and then wrote "Jesus died for our sins" on the backs of them. They wanted us to hand them out to people at the sale. This opened the way for some great conversations. Handing out flyers with this adoption blog address on it and our Chik-fil-a fundraiser coming up, allowed even more doors for good conversation to open. It was great to hear all the stories from those who had already adopted, who had once had foster children, and who knew family members or friends who had adopted or were thinking about it.

Thank you to all who helped make this sale a success - those who donated items, those who helped set it up, and those who stopped by to shop. A special thanks to those who helped during the sale and for the family who let us have it at their place. Because of all of you, we were able to raise over $1,000 towards bringing our daughter home.

With heartfelt thanks,

The Burgess family

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